There is no substitute for actually visiting the places where history happened, and Churchill's War Rooms in London certainly bore that out.
I'm sharing just some of the photos I took, since this is definitely something you don't want to miss on your next visit to London.
There have been a few movies about Winston Churchill that have come out in the last few years and I certainly recommend watching them before visiting. You won't get the whole story, but you'll get to know the man a little bit, and feel a thrill when you actually see things like his painting tools up close.
- This is What Hitlers Bombs Looked Like That Rained Down Upon London
- This is the First Room You See – Its a Great Place to Get Used to the Headset
- Look At the Old Light Switches
- One of the Weather Signs – No Matter How Bleak It Is, That British Humor Shines Through
- Fascinating Signs Everywhere
- It’s One Thing to See the Photos, Quite Another to Stand Where It Happened
- I Know You Were Wondering How DID They Do That in the Bunker
- There’s a Bonus Museum- Yay!
- There is Nothing Like Standing In Front of the Real Stuff…
- These Rompers Were Definitely Interesting Fashion Choices
- I Wondered About His Faves
- I Had No Idea…
- The Original Door
- The Kitchen
- So Cool to Walk Through These Thick Walls
- The Maps Showed the Allies’ Progress
- Love the Colors!
- Churchill’s Bedroom in the Bunker
- Complete With Curtains That Closed Depending on Who Was Visiting
- The Phone Room
- Churchill War Rooms in London
- Contact us in the most convenient way…text, call, message, or email.
- How I Wish I Could Capture That Font!
- Keys & Phones, They Thrilled Me
- This One Was Titled Like a Movie
- A Most Delicious Shepherd’s Pie from the Cafe
Since it is London, the rain was falling when we went to leave so we tucked back into the cafe that was situated about halfway through the site. We were so glad we did, since we had the best Shepherd's pie we'd found in London so far for lunch that day.
We definitely want to get you tickets to this amazing place in advance. Just like about everyplace in Europe, the line to get in without a scheduled entry time and your ticket already in hand is one far too long to stand in.
Here are some bonus pic I took nearby....